Work Stress Prevalence among the Management Staff in an International Tobacco Company in Malaysia
Work Stress among Management Staff
A cross sectional study on work stress prevalence was carried out among 185 executives and managers in the head quarter of an international tobacco company. The aim of the study was to identify work stress prevalence in this company and work stressors that were associated with stress experienced by the workers. A questionnaire based on the Personal Stress Inventory by O'Donell (1984) was used. Data collected from participants included sociodemography factors, symptoms of stress and work stressors related to organizational policy, organizational structure, organizational process, and work environment. The study showed that the prevalence of stress among executives was 68.1% and managers were 67.9%. There was no significant difference in the level of stress between the executives and the managers in the company. The sociodemographic factors that were significantly associated with stress were salary, number of children and personal factors. The significant stressors in the workplace were lack of job recognition, over focusing on quality of work, heavy workload and long working hours.
Keywords :
tobacco company,
Satu kajian prevalens stres pekerjaan telah dilakukan dikalangan 185 eksekutif dan pengurus di ibu pejabat syarikat tembakau antarabangsa. Objektif kajian ialah untuk mengenalpasti prevalens stres pekerjaan dan faktor-faktor penyebab stres yang dialami pekerja ini. Soal-selidik daripada ‘Personal Stress Inventory’ oleh O’ D Donell (1984) telah digunakan. Data berkaitan faktor sosiodemografi, simptom stres dan faktor stres berkaitan dengan polisi organisasi, stuktur organisasi dan sekitaran kerja telah dikumpulkan. Hasil kajian mendapati prevalens stress dikalangan eksekutif sebanyak 68.1% dan pengurus eksekutif sebanyak 67.9%, perbezaan ini tidak bererti secara statistiks. Faktor sosioekonomi yang bererti secara statistik berkait dengan stres ialah pendapatan, bilangan anak dan faktor personal. Faktor stres tempat pekerjaan yang bererti secara statistik ialah kurang penghargaan kerja, terlalu fokus kepada kualiti kerja, beban kerja yang banyak dan bekerja jangkamasa yang panjang.
Kata Kunci :
pengurus syarikat tembakau,
Correspondance Address
Prof. Dr. Noor Hassim Ismail,
Department of Community Health, Faculty of Medicine, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Jalan Yaacob Latiff, 56000 Cheras, Kuala Lumpur.