The Reliability of 44-Item Big Five Personality Inventory (Malay Version) to Measure Readiness to Breastfeed
Big Five Personality Inventory
The 44-item Big Five Personality Inventory (BFI-44) helps in simplify a wide range of complex personality features, including how personality affects breastfeeding. The aim of this study was to examine the reliability of the Malay version of the BFI-44. A cross-sectional study was conducted using the convenience sampling of female respondents. A total of 96 female public university students participated in this study. Cronbach’s alpha, intraclass correlation coefficient, limit of agreement, and standard error of measurement (SEM) were used in determining the reliability of the questionnaire. Cronbach’s alpha value for Extraversion subscale obtained the highest internal consistency (0.723) and the lowest internal consistency was obtained in the subscale of Openness to Experience (0.543). The intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) value for all dimensions exceeded 0.70 (ICC= 0.792-0.883). The Bland-Altman plots showed high reliability in all dimensions except Neuroticism. For SEM, Extraversion scored the lowest (0.773) while Neuroticism scored the highest (1.199). Overall, the BFI-44 in Malay version had moderate to good internal consistency and high test-retest reliability. These findings may give positive implications for the implementation of the questionnaire in future evaluation of Malaysians’ personality traits.
Keywords :
BFI-44,internal consistency,
Malay version,
test-retest reliability,
Inventori "44-item Big Five Personality" (BFI-44) membantu dalam memahami pelbagai ciri personaliti yang kompleks, termasuk bagaimana personaliti mempengaruhi penyusuan susu ibu. Matlamat kajian ini adalah untuk mengkaji kebolehpercayaan BFI-44 versi Bahasa Melayu. Kajian keratan rentas telah dijalankan menggunakan pensampelan mudah di kalangan responden perempuan. Seramai 96 orang pelajar perempuan universiti awam telah menyertai kajian ini. Cronbach Alpha, pekali korelasi intrakelas (ICC), "limit of agreement" dan pengukuran ralat piawai digunakan dalam menentukan kebolehpercayaan soal selidik. Nilai Cronbach alpha untuk subskala Extraversion memperolehi ketekalan dalaman tertinggi (0.723) dan ketekalan dalaman terendah diperolehi dalam subskala Keterbukaan kepada Pengalaman (0.543). Nilai ICC untuk semua dimensi melebihi 0.70 (ICC= 0.792-0.883). Plot Bland-Altman menunjukkan kebolehpercayaan yang tinggi dalam semua dimensi kecuali Neuroticism. Bagi ralat ukuran piawai (SEM), "Extraversion" mendapat markah terendah (0.773) manakala "Neuroticism" mendapat markah tertinggi (1.199). Secara keseluruhan, BFI-44 dalam versi Bahasa Melayu mempunyai ketekalan dalaman yang sederhana sehingga ke baik dan kebolehpercayaan ujian-ujian semula yang tinggi. Penemuan ini mungkin memberi implikasi positif terhadap pelaksanaan soal selidik dalam penilaian masa hadapan terhadap ciri-ciri personaliti rakyat Malaysia.
Kata Kunci :
kebolehpercayaan ujian-ujian semula,
ketekalan dalaman,
versi Bahasa Melayu,
Correspondance Address
Zainah Mohamed. Department of Nursing, Faculty of Medicine, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Jalan Ya’acob Latiff, Bandar Tun Razak, Cheras, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Tel: +6019 3181292 Email: