Morphology of Nutrient Foramina in Human Metatarsals and Their Clinical Importance
Nutrient Foramina of Metatarsals
The anatomical landmark of the nutrient foramen is essential in foot reconstruction procedures which involve the utilization of the metatarsal bones. The objectives were to study the morphology of the nutrient foramina in metatarsals and to figure out their foramina index. The present study included 271 unpaired, human metatarsals. The age and sex of the metatarsals were unknown. Nutrient foramina of each bone were grossly examined with respect to their topography and number. The indexing of the foramina was performed with the formula of Hughes. The morphometry of the present study was performed with the application of digital Vernier caliper. It was observed that 79.3% of metatarsals had single nutrient foramen, 9.2% had double foramina, 1.1% exhibited three foramina and in 10.4% of metatarsals, there was no foramen. The mean index of the foramina of 1st metatarsal, 2nd metatarsal, 3rd metatarsal, 4th metatarsal and 5th metatarsal were 65.3, 43.6, 44.4, 45.3 and 47.5, respectively. It was observed that most of the metatarsals had single nutrient foramen. The locations of the nutrient foramen varied from 1st to 5th metatarsals. In the 1st metatarsal and 2nd metatarsals, the foramina were observed at their lateral side and in the rest; they were commonly observed at the medial surface. The morphological distribution of nutrient foramina is important for surgeries involving utilization of metatarsal bones in the foot reconstruction. The morphological data is also beneficial for plastic surgery in case of bone graft microvascular operations.
Keywords :
foraminal index,
nutrient foramen,
Mercu tanda anatomi foramen nutrien penting dalam prosedur pembinaan semula kaki yang melibatkan penggunaan tulang metatarsal. Objektif kajian ialah untuk mengkaji morfologi foramina nutrien di tulang metatarsal dan mendapatkan indeks foramina. Kajian ini melibatkan 271 metatarsal manusia yang bukan berpasangan. Umur dan jantina metatarsal tidak diketahui. Foramina nutrien setiap tulang diperiksa untuk menentukan topografi dan nombor. Pengindeksan foramina dilakukan menggunakan formula Hughes. Morphometri kajian ini telah dijalankan dengan penggunaan ‘Vernier caliper’ digital. Hasil pemerhatian mendapati 79.3% daripada metatarsal mempunyai foramen nutrien tunggal, 9.2% mempunyai dua foramen, 1.1% mempunyai tiga foramen dan 10.4% metatarsal tidak ada foramen. Min indeks foramina daripada metatarsal pertama, metatarsal kedua, metatarsal ketiga, metatarsal keempat dan metatarsal kelima ialah 65.3, 43.6, 44.4, 45.3 dan 47.5 masing-masing mengikut turutan. Dapat diperhatikan bahawa kebanyakan metatarsal mempunyai foramen nutrien tunggal. Lokasi foramen nutrien berubah dari metatarsal 1 hingga 5. Foramina metatarsal 1 dan metatarsal 5 diperhatikan di sebelah sisi mereka dan pada metatarsal yang lain; ia lazim diperhatikan di permukaan medial. Pengagihan morfologi tentang foramina nutrien adalah amat diperlukan dalam sesetengah pembedahan seperti penggunaan tulang metatarsal dalam pembinaan semula kaki. Data morfologi juga amat penting dalam pembedahan plastik seperti kes operasi mikrovaskular tisu tulang.
Kata Kunci :
foramen nutrien,
indeks foramina,
Correspondance Address
Murlimanju BV, Department of Anatomy, Kasturba Medical College, Manipal University, Mangalore – 575004, India. Tel: 91824 2211746 Fax: 91824 2421283 Email: