COVID-19 Crisis: A Time for Practical Assessment of Hygienic Principles Observance
Hygienic Principles Observance
Simultaneously with COVID-19 pandemic, numerous protocols have been developed to prevent the infection. COVID-19 can be more fatal in the bone marrow transplant ward because patients admitted to these wards have a weakened immune system. Assessment of the protocol specified for this wards and practical evaluation of the hygienic principles observance by the medical staff during COVID-19 pandemic can be a step towards saving the lives of the patients. Coinciding with COVID-19 pandemic, 40 patients underwent bone marrow transplantation at Imam Reza Hospital of Kermanshah, Iran from February 2020 to June 2022. A follow-up program was performed to evaluate the possibility of COVID-19 transmission and the rate of hygiene practice by medical staff. The principles of hygienic protocols were scored as a questionnaire in which the observance/non-observance method were applied. Real time-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) based on three genes of the virus was used to diagnose the COVID-19 patients. The results of RT-PCR tests were negative in all patients who were hospitalised during the study. The rate of observance of the hygienic principles by the staff in the studied ward was 100%.The obtained result in the present study was a reflection of the step-by-step implementation of the hygienic protocol specified for bone marrow transplantation ward by the staff. The protocol specified for the bone marrow transplantation ward was highly overlapped with COVID-19 general hygienic guidelines.
Keywords :
Bone Marrow Transplantation,
Serentak dengan pandemik COVID-19, beberapa protokol telah dihasilkan untuk mencegah infeksi. COVID-19 boleh menyebabkan lebih kematian dalam wad transplan sumsum tulang kerana pesakit dalam wad ini mempunyai sistem imun yang lemah. Penilaian bagi protokol yang spesifik dalam wad ini dan penilaian praktikal terhadap pematuhan prinsip kebersihan oleh kakitangan perubatan semasa pandemik COVID-19 boleh dijadikan sebagai satu langkah untuk menyelamatkan nyawa pesakit. Semasa pandemik COVID-19, 40 pesakit menjalani pemindahan sumsum tulang di Hospital Iman Reza, Kermanshah, Iran mulai Februari 2020 ke Jun 2022. Satu susulan program telah dijalankan untuk menilai kemungkinan penularan COVID-19 dan kadar pematuhan kepada protokol prinsip kebersihan oleh staf perubatan. Protokol prinsip kebersihan telah dinilai dengan menggunakan borang soal selidik melalui pemerhatian/bukan pemerhatian. 'Real time polymerase chain reaction' (RT-PCR) dijalankan untuk mengenalpasti COVID-19 dalam pesakit berdasarkan ketiga-tiga gen dalam virus. Hasil RT-PCR ialah negatif pada semua pesakit yang dimasukkan ke hospital dalam jangka kajian. Kadar pematuhan prinsip kebersihan oleh kakitangan di wad ialah 100%. Hasil kajian yang didapati dalam kajian ini ialah langkah-langkah yang dijalankan oleh kakitangan di wad pemindahan sumsum tulang. Protokol spesifik untuk wad pemiindahan sumsum tulang bertindih dengan garis panduan kebersihan umum bagi COVID-19.
Kata Kunci :
pemindahan sumsum tulang,
Correspondance Address
Mehrdad Payandeh. Regenerative Medicine Research Center, Kermanshah University of Medical Sciences, Kermanshah, Iran. Tel: +988334262252 Email: