Neurodegenerative diseases commonly affect elderly population and are characterised by progressive neuronal loss. Oxidative stress is highly associated with neurodegeneration. The targeted herbal plant in this review, Ocimum basilicum (O. basilicum), is typically used in Indochina and Italian cuisine. Pharmacological studies on O. basilicum have demonstrated potent antioxidant activities with some reports of neuroprotective actions. This brief review highlights the potential neuroprotective roles of O. basilicum by discussing previously documented antioxidative actions of the plant extract, essential oils and its phytochemical compounds on the nervous system based on in vitro and in vivo studies. Accumulating evidence on the neuroprotective action of O. basilicum points to a notion that neuroprotection is made possible by way of its antioxidant properties and largely due to the presence of polyphenol compounds such as rosmarinic acid which has been identified as the major constituent. Although the mechanisms of O. basilicum antioxidant action have been proposed, further studies are required for better understanding of its antioxidant action leading to neuroprotective roles. It is also possible that the antioxidant actions of O. basilicum are mediated through synergism of a mixture of various naturally-occurring bioactive compounds in the plant, as is with many other plant-based food supplements, to produce the putative effects instead of a single bioactive compound from the plant. Therefore, specific targeting of neuroprotection by means of antioxidant actions warrants further preclinical and clinical studies investigating the therapeutic potentials of O. basilicum particularly in view of the prevention of neurodegenerative processes.
Keywords :
neuroprotective Ocimum basilicum,
oxidative stress,
Penyakit neurodegeneratif kebiasaannya menjejaskan golongan yang lebih tua dan ia dicirikan oleh kehilangan neuron secara progresif. Tekanan oksidatif sangat dikaitkan dengan neurodegenerasi. Tumbuhan herba yang disasarkan dalam kajian ini, Ocimum basilicum, biasanya digunakan dalam masakan Indochina dan Itali. Kajian farmakologi ke atas O. basilicum telah menunjukkan aktiviti antioksidan yang tinggi dengan beberapa kajian yang menunjukkan tindakan neuroprotektif. Kajian kepustakaan ringkas ini menekankan potensi neuroprotektif O. basilicum dengan membincangkan tindakan antioksidatif menggunakan ekstrak tumbuhan, minyak pati dan sebatian fitokimia tumbuhan ini pada sistem saraf berdasarkan kajian in vitro dan in vivo. Maklumat terkumpul mengenai tindakan neuroprotektif O. basilicum menunjukkan bahawa perlindungan neuron mungkin disebabkan oleh aktiviti antioksidannya dan sebahagian besarnya disebabkan oleh kehadiran sebatian polifenol seperti asid rosmarinik yang telah dikenal pasti sebagai sebatian utamanya. Walaupun mekanisme tindakan antioksidan O. basilicum telah dicadangkan, kajian selanjutnya diperlukan untuk lebih memahami tindakan antioksidan yang membawa kepada peranan neuroprotektif. Berkemungkinan juga tindakan antioksidan O. basilicum diperantara kesan sinergisme campuran pelbagai jenis fitokimia aktif semula jadi di dalam tumbuhan. Oleh itu, sasaran khusus bagi perlindungan neuron melalui tindakan antioksidan memerlukan kajian praklinikal dan klinikal yang lebih lanjut untuk mengkaji potensi terapeutik O. basilicum terutamanya dalam pencegahan penyakit neurodegeneratif.
Kata Kunci :
Ocimum basilicum,
tekanan oksidatif,
Correspondance Address
Norazrina Azmi. Drug and Herbal Research Centre,
Faculty of Pharmacy, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Tel: +603-92897095 Email: