Villoglandular Papillary Adenocarcinoma of the Uterine Cervix with Lymph Node Metastasis - A Case Report and Review of the Literature

Villoglandular Papillary Adenocarcinoma of the Uterine Cervix
Vol. 1 No. 1 : 2006 (85-90)

Geok Chin Tan Geok Chin Tan
Mohd Sidik Shiran Mohd Sidik Shiran
Manickam Swaminathan Manickam Swaminathan
Md Ali Siti Aishah Md Ali Siti Aishah
Poo Ling Ong Poo Ling Ong
Mohd Dali Ahmad Zailani Hatta Mohd Dali Ahmad Zailani Hatta

Villoglandular papillary adenocarcinoma was first described by Young and Scully in 1989 as a distinct entity with the histological features of exophytic growth proliferation, villous and papillary architecture and mild to moderate nuclear atypia. We report one case of villoglandular papillary adenocarcinoma (VGPA) of the uterine cervix with lymph node metastasis and reviewed the clinicopathological features of six other cases reported in the literature. Our patient is the seventh similar reported cases. They ranged in age from 29 to 54 (mean, 41) years. Five had lymphovascular invasion. All except our patient were treated with radical hysterectomy and radiotherapy. She was followed-up for 7 months and unfortunately dieddue to chest infection.
Keywords : adenocarcinoma, cervix, villoglandular papillary adenocarcinoma,
Adenokarsinoma papilari-viloglandular telah pertama kali dihuraikan oleh Young dan Scully pada tahun 1989 sebagai suatu entiti tersendiri dengan ciri-ciri histologi seperti pertumbuhan eksofitik, struktur vilus dan papilari serta atipia nukleus yang sedikit ke sederhana. Kami melaporkan satu kes adenokarsinoma papilari-viloglandular serviks dengan metastasis ke nodus limfa dan mengkajisemula ciri-ciri klinikopatologi enam kes yang telah dilaporkan. Pesakit ini merupakan kes ketujuh dengan ciri-ciri yang sama seperti kes-kes yang telah dilaporkan. Umur ketujuh-tujuh pesakit adalah diantara 29 hingga 54 tahun (min, 41). Diantara tujuh kes ini, lima mempunyai invasi limfovaskular. Semua kecuali pesakit ketujuh telah dirawat dengan histerektomi radikal dan radioterapi. Jagaan susulan pesakit ketujuh adalah 7 bulan, malangnya beliau  telah meninggal dunia akibat infeksi respiratori.
Kata Kunci : adenokarsinoma, adenokarsinoma papilari viloglandular, serviks,