Solvent Induced Cumulative Insult Irritant Contact Dermatitis through Glove Permeation: A Case-Report on the Chronic Occupational Skin Lesion

Occupational Contact Dermatitis
Vol. 18 No. 2 : 2023 (622-629)

Pei Pei H Pei Pei H
Hanizah MY Hanizah MY

A young female laboratory worker presented with chronic cumulative skin lesion over hands. The occupational exposure history supported the prolonged and frequent exposure to multiple solvents which are recognised as work irritants, improper work practice and wrong use of protective glove. The diagnosis of Irritant Contact Dermatitis (ICD) was supported by workplace dermatology risk factors, clinical features, negative skin patch test to rule out hypersensitivity reaction and fulfilment of all seven Mathias Criteria. The effective management of occupational contact dermatitis requires practices change and exposure control. The comprehensive Hand Care Programs must be individualised and incorporate several important elements namely the skin care screening and surveillance, early referral for Occupational Health assessment, effective education and training programs and provision of hand moisturising products. The support of return to work (RTW) among the affected workers is of paramount important in order to minimise the negative impacts on their quality of work as well as home life.
Keywords : Chronic; glove permeation; irritant contact dermatitis; occupational; solvent induced,
Seorang pekerja makmal wanita muda mengalami gejala kulit kering, gatal dan mengelupas  pada kedua-dua tangan. Sejarah pendedahan pekerjaan menyokong pendedahan yang kerap dan berpanjangan kepada pelbagai pelarut bahan kimia yang diiktiraf sebagai perengsa penyakit kulit pekerjaan. Amalan kerja yang tidak selamat dan cara penggunaan sarung tangan pelindung yang salah turut dikenalpasti. Diagnosis dermatitis kontak iritasi (ICD) disokong oleh faktor risiko dermatologi tempat kerja, ciri-ciri klinikal dan ujian patch kulit negatif yang tidak menjurus kepada tindak balas hipersensitif. Diagnosis telah disahkan dengan memenuhi kesemua Kriteria Mathias. Pengurusan penyakit kulit pekerjaan yang berkesan memerlukan kawalan pendedahan merangkumi program penjagaan tangan yang komprehensif pada peringkat individu, saringan dan pemeriksaan keadaan kulit, rujukan awal untuk penilaian kesihatan pekerjaan, program pendidikan dan latihan yang berkesan, serta penyediaan pelembap tangan oleh majikan. Sokongan return to work (RTW) dalam kalangan pekerja yang terjejas adalah penting bagi mengurangkan impak negatif terhadap prestasi kerja dan kualiti kehidupan.
Kata Kunci : Dermatitis kontak iritasi; kronik; pelarut teraruh; penyakit pekerjaan; resapan sarung tangan,

Correspondance Address
Hanizah Mohd Yusoff. Department of Public Health Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Jalan Yaacob Latif, Bandar Tun Razak, 56000 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Tel: +603-9145 5904 Email: