Proximal Stability Assessment of Knee Osteoarthritis Patients

Vol. 13 No. 2 : 2018 (145-157)


Proximal stability consists of core and hip stability play a significant role in supporting the body weight in stationary and in motion. Thus, proximal stability could contribute to knee osteoarthritis (OA). Therefore, this study was carried out to determine the core stability and hip stability of knee OA patients. A total of thirty-two women aged between 45 to 60 years had volunteered to participate in this study, comprised of 16 knee OA patients and 16 normal. Hip stability was assessed using hip crossover test and core stability was assessed using core muscle endurance, core muscle strength and core muscle flexibility. Data of hip stability, core muscle strength and flexibility were analyzed using chi-square; and core muscle endurance data were analyzed using independent sample t-test. Compared to normal subjects, knee OA patients have poor hip stability [Hip Crossover Test (λ=0.500, p=0.033)] and core stability. Core stability was assessed based on core muscle strength [abdominal muscles (χ=12.157, p<0.001); quadriceps and gluteal muscles (χ=13.364, p<0.001); hip muscles (χ=17.936, p<0.001); latissimus dorsi and quadriceps (χ=15.906, p<0.001)]; core muscle endurance [plank endurance (t=4.719, p<0.001); trunk flexion (t=2.824, p=0.008); trunk extension (t=1.364, p=0.193)]; core muscle flexibility [Ely’s test (λ=0.438, p=0.010)]. The proximal stability of knee OA patients appears to be significantly weaker than normal subjects. Thus, core stability and hip stability training have high potential not only to lessen the symptoms of knee osteoarthritis but to improve the functional movement of knee OA patients. 
Keywords : core stability, hip stability, knee osteoarthritis, proximal stability,
Kestabilan proksimal yang terdiri daripada kestabilan otot teras dan pinggul, memainkan peranan penting dalam menyokong berat badan dalam keadaan statik dan bergerak. Seterusnya, kestabilan proksimal boleh menyumbang kepada osteoarthritis lutut. Justeru, kajian ini dilaksanakan untuk menentukan kestabilan teras dan pinggul pesakit osteoarthritis lutut (OA lutut). Seramai 32 orang wanita berumur antara 45 hingga 60 tahun yang terdiri daripada 16 orang pesakit OA lutut dan 16 orang normal telah bersetuju menyertai projek kajian ini. Kestabilan pinggul diuji menggunakan ujian “Hip Crossover” dan kestabilan otot teras dinilai menggunakan ujian daya tahan otot teras, ujian kekuatan otot teras dan ujian kelenturan otot teras. Data kestabilan pinggul, kekuatan dan kelenturan otot teras dianalisa menggunakan ujian chi-square; dan daya tahan otot teras dianalisis menggunakan ujian-t tidak bersandar. Kajian ini mendapati pesakit OA lutut mempunyai pinggul yang kurang stabil [Hip Crossover Test (λ=0.500, p=0.033)] dan kestabilan otot teras yang lebih rendah berbanding dengan subjek normal. Kestabilan otot teras dinilai berdasarkan kepada kekuatan otot teras [abdominal muscles (χ=12.157, p<0.001); quadriceps and gluteal muscles (χ=13.364, p<0.001); hip muscles (χ=17.936, p<0.001); latissimus dorsi and quadriceps (χ=15.906, p<0.001)]; daya tahan otot teras [plank endurance (t=4.719, p<0.001); trunk flexion (t=2.824, p=0.008); trunk extension (t=1.364, p=0.193)]; dan kelenturan otot teras [Ely’s test (λ=0.438, p=0.010)]. Kestabilan proksimal pesakit OA lutut jelas lebih lemah berbanding subjek normal. Oleh itu, latihan untuk meningkatkan kestabilan pinggul dan otot teras perlu dipertimbangkan dalam program rehabilitasi OA lutut, bukan sahaja bagi mengurangkan symptom OA lutut, tetapi juga memperbaiki pergerakan berfungsi pesakit OA lutut.
Kata Kunci : kestabilan otot teras, kestabilan pinggul, kestabilan proksimal, osteoarthritis lutut,

Correspondance Address
D. Maryama binti AG. Daud. Physical Fitness Rehab Centre, Faculty Psychology and Education, Universiti Malaysia Sabah, Kota Kinabalu, 88400 Sabah, Malaysia. Tel: +6010-9310913 Email: