Perceived Stress Related to Nursing Education and Its Influence on Nursing Students' Academic and Clinical Performance.

Perceived Stress Related to Nursing Education and Its Influence on Nursing Students' Academic and Clinical Performance.
Vol. 6 No. 2 : 2011 (86-97)

Gurbinder Kaur JS Gurbinder Kaur JS
Hamidah H Hamidah H
Blackman I Blackman I
Wotton K Wotton K
Belan I Belan I

Stress has a negative effect on student nurses well-being and can impede learning or motivate them and is conducive to learning. This study examined the perceived stress and factors that influenced daily students’ life among both the Diploma and Bachelor of Nursing students. A total of 241 nursing students were involved in this research project. Findings of this study indicated that junior nursing students (<21 years) of both cohorts perceived significantly more stress than older (≥ 21 years) nursing students. Second year students of the Diploma group claimed being more stressed than their peers (1st and 3rd years). Personal problems were the main issue of concern among the second year Diploma students. Workload of nursing education and fear of failing the nursing programme were the major stressors among the first year nursing students of the Bachelor cohort as compared to their seniors. A mixture of negatively and positively significant correlations was observed between academic work and clinical scores among the Diploma and Bachelor of Nursing students respectively. Both the Diploma and Bachelor of Nursing students’ stress did not influence their GPA scores. Negatively significant correlation was noted between stress and clinical scores among the Diploma of Nursing students. A negatively significant correlation was found between age and CGPA scores among the Bachelor cohort. Both male and female Diploma and Bachelor nursing students perceived no differences in stress related to their academic work. The findings of this study provide important information for nursing education at the institute examined in this study, and have implications for future research.
Keywords : attrition, nursing students and stress, nursing students’ stressors, nursing education, perceived stress and nursing,
Stres memberi kesan negatif ke atas kesejahteraan jururawat pelatih dan menghalang pembelajaran atau  memberi motivasi dan  menggalakkan pembelajaran. Kajian  ini mengkaji  tentang  stres  dan  faktor-faktor  yang  mempengaruhi  kehidupan  harian pelajar-pelajar kejururawatan Diploma dan Sarjanamuda. Seramai 241 pelajar kejururawatan terlibat  dalam  projek  penyelidikan ini.  Hasil kajian ini  menunjukkan bahawa pelajar-pelajar kejururawatan yang muda (<21 tahun) mengganggap lebih banyak stres daripada pelajar kejururawatan yang lebih senior (≥21 tahun). Pelajar- pelajar program Diploma tahun dua menyatakan signifikan stres daripada rakan-rakan mereka (1 dan 3 tahun). Masalah peribadi adalah isu utama yang membimbangkan di kalangan pelajar-pelajar tahun kedua Diploma. Beban kerja pendidikan kejururawatan dan takut gagal kursus kejururawatan adalah tekanan yang utama di kalangan pelajar kejururawatan pertama program kohort Sarjanamuda berbanding senior mereka. Terdapat gabungan kolerasi signifikan yang negatif dan positif diantara akademik dan skor  klinikal  di  kalangan  pelajar  kejururawatan  Diploma  dan  Sarjanamuda.  Stres pelajar kejururawatan tidak dapat mempengaruhi skor GPA mereka. Terdapat kolerasi signifikan yang negatif diantara stres dan skor klinikal di kalangan pelajar kejururawatan  Diploma.  Terdapat  korelasi  signifikan  yang  negatif  diantara  umur dengan CGPA dikalangan pelajar Sarjanmuda kejururawatan. Pelajar lelaki dan perempuan kejururawatan Diploma dan Sarjanamuda dianggap tidak ada perbezaan dalam tekanan. Hasil kajian ini memberi maklumat penting untuk pendidikan kejururawatan di institut yang dikaji dalam kajian ini, dan mempunyai implikasi bagi penyelidikan masa depan.
Kata Kunci : keciciran, kejururawatan dan stres, pendidikan kejururawatan, stres dan jururawat terlatih, stres jururawat terlatih,

Correspondance Address
Gurbinder Kaur Jit Singh, Department of Nursing, Faculty of Medicine, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM), Jalan Yaacob Latif, Bandar Tun Razak, 56000 Cheras, Kuala Lumpur. Tel: 603-91456254. Fax: 603-91456683 Email: