Oral Tolerance Induction in Adults With Allergy to Gluten-Containing Cereals: A Case Report

Wheat Allergy in Adults and Oral Tolerance Induction
Vol. 18 No. 2 : 2023 (617-621)

García-Paz V García-Paz V
Otero-Alonso A Otero-Alonso A
González-Rivas M González-Rivas M
Romero-Sánchez L Romero-Sánchez L
Vila-Sexto L Vila-Sexto L

Cereals are the main source of energy, protein, B vitamins and minerals for the world population. Due to its ease of harvest and its resistance, wheat is the most cultivated and consumed cereal worldwide. Allergic reactions to wheat are rare, their prevalence in  pediatric patients varies from 0.5-1.0%, being more frequent in areas such as Japan and northern Europe and in adults, although less frequent, they have also been described. The prognosis of allergy to wheat in childhood is favourable, but there are more severe cases that remain allergic until adolescence or adulthood; in these cases, oral tolerance induction (OTI) can be considered as a therapeutic alternative to the avoidance diet. We presented a case of 32-year-old patient with the onset of wheat allergy in adulthood with severe anaphylaxis. To date, there is no report of OTI with wheat in allergic adult patient, similar to the one described in this report.
Keywords : Adults; desensitisation; gluten allergy; OTI protocols; wheat allergy,
Bijirin ialah sumber utama bagi tenaga, protein, vitamin B dan mineral untuk populasi seluruh dunia. Disebabkan gandum senang dituai dan ketahanannya, ia ditanam dan dimakan di seluruh dunia. Alahan terhadap gandum adalah jarang, prevalens di kalangan kanak-kanak ialah 0.5-1.0%, sering berlaku di Jepun dan bahagian utara Europa dan di kalangan dewasa adalah lagi jarang, tetapi juga dibincangkan. Prognosis alahan terhadap gandum pada zaman kanak-kanak adalah positif, tetapi terdapat kes serious yang berterusan sehingga zaman remaja atau dewasa; dalam kes tersebut, induksi toleransi oral (OTI) dijadikan sebagai terapeutik alternatif kepada penghindaran diet. Kami membentangkan kes yang melibatkan seorang pesakit berumur 32 tahun yang mempunyai alahan gandum dengan serious anafilaksis. Sehingga sekarang, tiada laporan berkaitan dengan OTI dalam alahan gandum di pesakit dewasa yang seperti dibincangkan dalam laporan ini.
Kata Kunci : Alahan gandum; alahan gluten; dewasa; penyahpekaan; protokol OTI,

Correspondance Address
Vanesa García Paz. Allergy Department, University Hospital A Coruña. Street Rúa As Xubias de Arriba, No. 84, CP 15006. A Coruña. Spain. Tel: +0034981336695 Email: vanesa.garcia.paz@sergas.es