Metaplastic Breast Carcinomas: A Report of Six Cases

Metaplastic Breast Carcinoma
Vol. 4 No. 2 : 2009 (127-132)

Shahrun NS Shahrun NS
Rohaizak M Rohaizak M
Naqiyah I Naqiyah I
Nurismah MI Nurismah MI

Metaplastic breast carcinomas (MBCs) are rare primary breast malignancies characterized histologically by carcinoma of two epithelial types or co-existence of carcinoma with non-epithelial cellular elements. They are aggressive tumours that carry poor prognosis. We reviewed the pathologic features and clinical outcomes of MBCs seen in our institution between the years 2000 to 2007. Out of 471 breast cancer patients, six female patients were histologically-proven to have MBCs giving an incidence rate of 1.3%. The patients comprised four Malays and two Indians and their mean age was 51 years old.  Five patients underwent mastectomy (four with axillary clearance and one without) and one had wide local excision with axillary clearance. Axillary lymph node involvement was seen in four patients (three with epithelial only type tumour and one with the biphasic tumour). In all the cases, the tumours were bigger than 5 cm in diameter (T3), grade 3 and estrogen receptor negative. Five patients received chemotherapy while one refused. All of the patients had tumour recurrence with a mean time of recurrence of 9 months. In conclusion, metaplastic breast carcinomas are rare and aggressive tumours usually affect the post menopausal age group. They present as aggressive, large sized, high grade tumours that are estrogen receptor negative. Tumour size and axillary lymph node involvement indicate poor prognosis. Despite treatment with chemotherapy and radiotherapy, these patients have high risk of local recurrence and distant metastases which are potentially fatal.
Keywords : metaplastic breast carcinomas, outcome, pathologic features,
`Metaplastic breast carcinoma’ (MBC) adalah jenis kanser payu dara yang amat jarang ditemui yang dari segi histologinya, bercirikan karsinoma yang terdiri daripada dua jenis epitelia atau kehadiran karsinoma bersama-sama dengan elemen ‘bukan-epitelial’. Ianya ada­lah agresif dan mempunyai ciri prognosis yang buruk. Ciri-ciri  patologikal dan klinikal kanser ini dikalangan pesakit kanser payu dara di Pusat Perubatan Uni­versiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (PPUKM) telah dikaji dari tahun 2000 sehingga 2007. Daripada 471 pesakit kanser payu dara di PPUKM terdapat enam  pesakit wanita dikenal pasti me­lalui diagnosis histologi mengidap MBC yang mana ianya melibatkan 1.3% dari keselu­ruhan kes kanser payu dara. Empat daripada mereka adalah dari etnik Melayu mana­kala dua adalah India dan min umur mereka adalah 51 tahun. Di dalam kesemua kes, kanser ini adalah besar, bersaiz lebih dari 5 sm, gred 3 dan bereseptor estrogen nega­tif. Lima pesakit menjalani mastectomi (empat bersama ‘axillary clearance’ manakala satu tanpa ‘axillary clearance’). Penglibatan kelenjar limfa aksilari didapati pada empat pesakit (tiga pesakit mempunyai tumor jenis epithelia sahaja dan satu tumor dwifasa). Lima pesakit menerima kemoterapi, seorang lagi enggan dirawat secara kemoterapi. Kesemua pesakit mengalami rekuren tumor dengan min masa re­kuren selama 9 bulan. Kesimpulannya, MBC  jarang berlaku, agresif dan biasanya meli­batkan golongan wanita yang sudah menopos. Mereka selalunya bersaiz besar, mem­punyai gred histopatologi tinggi dan bereseptor estrogen negatif. Saiz tumor yang besar serta perebakan tumor ke kelenjar limfa menjangkakan prognosis buruk. Walau­pun dengan rawatan kemoterapi dan radioterapi, pesakit-pesakit ini mempunyai risiko yang tinggi untuk mendapat kanser berulang atau merebak ke organ lain.
Kata Kunci : ciri-ciri patologikal, kanser metaplastik payu dara, kesan klinikal,

Correspondance Address
Prof Dr Rohaizak Muhammad, Department of Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Jalan Yaacob Latif, Bandar Tun Razak, 56000 Cheras, Kuala Lumpur. Tel: 603-91455002. Fax: 603-91737831. Email: