Knowledge Levels of Medical Faculty Students and Residents about Ionizing Radiation

Knowledge Levels About Ionizing Radiation
Vol. 16 No. 2 : 2021 (124-137)

Sever F Sever F
Yazar RÖ Yazar RÖ
Gülle MS Gülle MS
Bayram F Bayram F
Uzun NM Uzun NM
Kurşun MA Kurşun MA
Laçalar GT Laçalar GT
Gürel S Gürel S
Maral I Maral I

This study aimed to evaluate the knowledge levels of medical school students and residents about ionising radiation. The study is designed as descriptive research, and it was conducted with 369 medical school students and residents. A survey form was used in the research. A Chi-square test was used to compare categorical variables. In the study, 369 people were reached within the scope of the research. A total of 60.7% of the research participants were clinical medicine students (4th, 5th, 6th grade) and 39.3% were residents. A total of 42.0% of the participants of the study were male, 58.0% were women. It was found that 17.9% of the clinical medical students and 18.6% of the residents had sufficient knowledge of ionising radiation (p=0.002). A total of 87.0% of the participants in the study answered correctly that magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) does not contain radiation and 93.5% answered correctly that ultrasonography (USG) does not contain radiation. 74.8% of the participants stated that having knowledge about ionising radiation would contribute to “protecting sensitive groups from ionising radiation” in medical practice. This ratio is 77.2% in clinical medicine students and 71.0% in residents. The study found that knowledge levels of medical faculty students and residents about ionising radiation were insufficient. Medical students and residents are recommended to be trained on radiation and the radiological requests of residents to be evaluated.
Keywords : ionising radiation, medical education, medical student,
Kajian ini bertujuan untuk menilai tahap pengetahuan pelajar sekolah perubatan dan doktor pelatih mengenai radiasi mengion. Penyelidikan ini direka bentuk sebagai kajian deskriptif dan ia telah dijalankan  di kalngan 369 pelajar sekolah perubatan dan doktor pelatih. Borang kaji-selidik telah digunakan dalam penyelidikan. Ujian khi-kuasa dua digunakan untuk membandingkan pembolehubah kategorikal. Dalam kajian ini, 369 orang telah dicapai dalam skop penyelidikan. Sebanyak 60.7% peserta kajian ialah pelajar perubatan klinikal (gred 4, 5, 6) dan 39.3% merupakan doktor pelatih. Didapati bahawa 17.9% pelajar perubatan klinikal dan 18.6% doktor pelatih mempunyai pengetahuan yang mencukupi mengenai radiasi mengion (p=0.002). Sebanyak 87.0% peserta kajian menjawab dengan betul bahawa pengimejan resonans magnetik (MRI) tidak mengandungi radiasi dan 93.5% menjawab dengan betul bahawa ultrasonografi (USG) tidak mengandungi radiasi. Sebanyak 74.8% peserta menyatakan bahawa pengetahuan tentang radiasi mengion akan menyumbang kepada "melindungi kumpulan sensitif daripada radiasi mengion" dalam amalan perubatan. Nisbah ini ialah 77.2% pelajar perubatan klinikal dan 71.0% doktor pelatih. Kajian mendapati bahawa tahap pengetahuan pelajar fakulti perubatan dan doktor pelatih mengenai radiasi mengion adalah tidak mencukupi. Pelajar perubatan dan doktor pelatih disyorkan untuk dilatih mengenai radiasi dan doktor pelatih radiologi disaran untuk dinilai.
Kata Kunci : pelajar perubatan, pendidikan perubatan, radiasi mengion,

Correspondance Address
Associate Professor Hatice İkiışık. İstanbul Medeniyet University Faculty of Medicine Public Health Ünalan District, Üsküdar, Istanbul/Turkey, 34700. Tel: +0905324966957 Email: