Factors Associated with the Usage of Pharmacy Value-Added Services at Public Health Clinics in the State of Perlis, Malaysia
Usage of Pharmacy Value-Added Services
Pharmacy value-added services were developed to make it easier for patients to refill their chronic prescriptions in public health facilities in Malaysia. However, little is known about patients’ awareness, attitudes and practice towards pharmacy value-added services provided by health clinics. This study was conducted to investigate factors associated with the usage of pharmacy value-added services at public health clinics in Perlis, Malaysia. A cross-sectional study was conducted from January to March 2021 at the pharmacy waiting area of all public health clinics in Perlis. All patients (≥18 years old) taking chronic medications and with the need to follow-up at the health clinic in Perlis were recruited in this study using quota sampling. Data was collected using a validated self-administered questionnaire. Descriptive analyses on the usage, awareness and attitudes of respondents were performed, followed by multiple logistic regression. A total of 582 patients responded to this study (response rate, 97.0%). Only 12.9% of respondents used pharmacy value-added services offered by health clinics. Age, gender, ethnicity, education level, occupation, monthly household income, length of stay in Perlis, distance from home to the clinic, total awareness and attitudes scores were factors significantly associated with the practice of pharmacy value-added services after adjusting for other variables (p<0.05). In conclusion, the proportion of patients using pharmacy value-added services at health clinics in Perlis is still low. The study’s findings suggest that a more extensive promotion of pharmacy value-added services is needed to ensure more patients could benefit from these services.
Keywords :
pharmacy services,
Perkhidmatan nilai tambah farmasi dilaksanakan untuk memudahkan pesakit mengisi semula preskripsi kronik mereka di kemudahan kesihatan awam di Malaysia. Namun, masih banyak informasi yang tidak diketahui mengenai kesedaran, sikap dan praktis pesakit terhadap perkhidmatan nilai tambah farmasi yang disediakan oleh klinik kesihatan. Kajian ini dilakukan untuk mengkaji faktor-faktor yang berkaitan dengan penggunaan perkhidmatan nilai tambah farmasi di klinik kesihatan awam di Perlis, Malaysia. Kajian keratan rentas dilakukan dari Januari hingga Mac 2021 di ruang menunggu farmasi di semua klinik kesihatan awam di Perlis. Semua pesakit (≥18 tahun) yang mengambil ubat kronik dan mendapatkan rawatan di klinik kesihatan di Perlis direkrut dalam kajian ini dengan menggunakan kuota sampling. Data dikumpul dengan menggunakan soal selidik yang dikendalikan sendiri. Analisis deskriptif mengenai penggunaan, kesedaran dan sikap responden dilakukan, diikuti dengan regresi logistik berganda. Sebanyak 582 pesakit memberi maklum balas terhadap kajian ini (kadar tindak balas, 97.0%). Hanya 12.9% responden menggunakan perkhidmatan nilai tambah farmasi yang ditawarkan oleh klinik kesihatan. Umur, jantina, etnik, tahap pendidikan, pekerjaan, pendapatan isi rumah bulanan, tempoh tinggal di Perlis, jarak dari rumah ke klinik, skor kesedaran, dan sikap adalah faktor yang berkaitan dengan amalan perkhidmatan nilai tambah farmasi (p<0.05). Kesimpulannya, jumlah pesakit yang menggunakan perkhidmatan tambah nilai farmasi di klinik kesihatan di Perlis masih rendah. Hasil kajian menunjukkan bahawa promosi perkhidmatan tambah nilai farmasi yang lebih luas perlu dilakukan untuk memastikan lebih banyak pesakit dapat manfaat daripada perkhidmatan ini.
Kata Kunci :
perkhidmatan farmasi,
Correspondance Address
Pei Pei Soo. Pharmaceutical Services Division, State Health Department of Perlis, Jalan Raja Syed Alwi, 01000 Kangar, Perlis. Tel: +604-976 5033 ext 1134 Email: peipeisoo@hotmail.com