Death due to Liquified Petroleum Gas Inhalation Augmented with Plastic Bag Suffocation
LPG Inhalation and Plastic Bag Suffocation Death
Liquified petroleum gas usually contains butane and propane, which are the family of aliphatic hydrocarbons that are colourless and commercially available, sometimes abused as a volatile inhalant to obtain psychoactive effects or to commit suicide. Instances of non-suicidal death resulting from a combination of inhalation of hydrocarbon from liquified petroleum gas and plastic bag suffocation are uncommonly reported. A 44-year-old man was allegedly discovered naked, only partially covered with the comforter, inside his bedroom, with the head covered with a black and thin plastic bag connecting to a cooking gas cylinder tank. The plastic bag was modified to prevent a gas leak. Additionally, pornographic paraphernalia was found on the mobile phone beside him. No suicidal risk was noted before death. The investigation of deaths associated with the inhalation of liquified petroleum gas, together with the plastic bag around the head, is crucial for comprehending the underlying manner of death in such fatalities. The present case prompts inquiries into accidental, as the absence of clear suicidal indicators suggests the possibility of unintentional death.
Keywords :
Autoerotic death; butane; forensic pathology; liquified petroleum; plastic bag suffocation,
Gas petroleum cecair biasanya mengandungi butana dan propana, yang tergolong dalam keluarga hidrokarbon alifatik yang tidak berwarna dan tersedia secara komersial. Kadang-kadang disalahgunakan sebagai bahan inhalan meruap yang boleh mengubah keadaan mental atau untuk membunuh diri. Kes kematian yang tidak disengajakan akibat kombinasi penyedutan hidrokarbon dari gas petroleum cecair dan sesak nafas disebabkan oleh beg plastik jarang dilaporkan. Seorang lelaki berusia 44 tahun dilaporkan ditemui berbogel, hanya sebahagiannya ditutup dengan selimut di dalam biliknya, dengan kepala ditutup dengan beg plastik nipis berwarna hitam dan disambungkan ke tangki silinder gas memasak. Beg plastik itu diubah suai untuk mengelakkan kebocoran gas. Tambahan pula, peralatan pornografi juga ditemui pada telefon bimbit di sebelahnya. Tiada risiko bunuh diri dicatatkan sebelum kematian. Penyiasatan mengenai kematian yang berkaitan dengan penyedutan gas petroleum cecair berserta dengan beg plastik di kepala, adalah penting untuk memahami cara kematian dalam kes seperti ini. Kes ini menimbulkan persoalan mengenai kemungkinan kematian tidak sengaja memandangkan ketiadaan petunjuk bunuh diri yang jelas menunjukkan kemungkinan kematian yang tidak disengajakan.
Kata Kunci :
Butana; gas petroleum cecair; kematian autoerotik; lemas dengan beg plastik; patologi forensik,
Correspondance Address
Dr Wan Mohammad Hafiz. Forensic Unit, Department of Pathology, Faculty of Medicine, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Jalan Yaacob Latif, Bandar Tun Razak, 56000 Cheras, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Tel: +603-9145 5445 Email: