Challenges of Anti-Smoking Campaign in Malaysia from the Healthcare Provider Perspective

Challenges of Anti-Smoking Campaign in Malaysia
Vol. 15 No. 1 : 2020 (119-128)


This study discovered challenging of the anti-smoking campaign from the perspective of healthcare providers in Kuantan. The objectives of this study were to explore  the challenges of the anti-smoking campaign from healthcare providers’ views, to explore the awareness regarding the existence of Smoking Cessation Clinics and to explore the ways to improve anti-smoking campaigns. This study is important because it may aid Malaysian authorities to develop better strategies   in promoting anti-smoking campaigns in the future. Purposive sampling was used in the collection of data and semi-structured interviews were conducted among five healthcare providers from three selected Smoking Cessation Clinics. This study found that healthcare provider felt that smokers who received treatment from the Health Centre had low understanding of the standard of procedure of smoking cessation procedure, low commitment and easily influenced by the public. Healthcare provider also felt that multidisciplinary task limited their focus to the client. Besides, they felt that the existence of smoking Cessation Clinic needs to be widely publicised to the community. Through the findings, the author recommend to improve the current approaches to reduce the number of smokers in Malaysia such as improving publicity to the public, enhancing the law of enforcement and providing incentives.
Keywords : anti-smoking campaign, health care, providers, smoking cessation clinics,
Kajian ini menemui faktor-faktor cabaran kempen anti-merokok dari perspektif petugas kesihatan di Kuantan. Objektif kajian ini adalah untuk menerokai cabaran kempen anti-merokok daripada pandangan petugas kesihatan, kesedaran tentang kewujudan Klinik Berhenti Merokok dan cara untuk menambah baik kempen anti-merokok. Kajian ini adalah penting untuk membantu pihak berkuasa Malaysia untuk membangunkan strategi yang lebih baik dalam mempromosikan kempen anti-merokok pada masa akan datang. Persampelan “purposive” digunakan dalam pengumpulan data dan wawancara separa berstruktur telah dilakukan di kalangan lima petugas kesihatan dari tiga Klinik Berhenti Merokok yang terpilih. Kajian ini mendapati petugas kesihatan berpendapat bahawa perokok yang menerima rawatan dari Pusat Kesihatan mempunya pemahaman yang rendah mengenai tatacara piawai (SOP) dalam pemberhentian merokok, komitmen yang rendah dan senang dipengaruhi oleh masyarakat. Petugas kesihatan juga berpendapat tugas pelbagai disiplin menyebabkan tumpuan yang rendah terhadap pesakit yang merokok. Di samping itu, responden merasakan bahawa kewujudan Klinik Berhenti Merokok perlu diperluaskan penghebahannya kepada komuniti. Melalui penemuan ini, beberapa strategi dicadangkan untuk menambah baik pendekatan semasa dalam pengurangan bilangan perokok di Malaysia seperti penambahbaikan penghebahan kepada orang ramai, meningkatkan penguatkuasaan undang-undang serta menyediakan insentif. 
Kata Kunci : Kempen berhenti merokok, klinik berhenti merokok, petugas kesihatan,

Correspondance Address
Muhammad Lokman Md Isa. Department Basic Medical Sciences, Kulliyyah of Nursing & IIUM Human Molecular and Cellular Biology Research Cluster (iMoleC), International Islamic University Malaysia, Jalan Sultan Ahmad Shah, Bandar Indera Mahkota, 25200 Kuantan, Pahang, Malaysia. Tel: +609-5707 308 Email: