Assessment of Healthy Lifestyle Behaviors among First-Year Medical, Dentistry and Health Sciences Students in Turkey
Undergrads' Healthy Lifestyle Behaviors
This cross-sectional study, in which the first-year findings of a prospective follow-up study were presented, was conducted with 356 students enrolled in the first-year of three faculties at a state university in Istanbul between November 1st and December 31st, 2019. With this study, it was aimed to evaluate the changes in certain healthy lifestyle behaviors, risky behaviors and depression levels of students enrolled at the different faculties of a public university in Istanbul during their university life. The data were obtained through a questionnaire of 65 questions, and the Beck Depression Inventory, which consisted of 21 questions. They were administered under supervision by providing preliminary information to the students. The mean body mass index, mean systolic blood pressure and mean diastolic blood pressure values of the students were 23.23 + 4.1, 108.97 + 15.21 and 66.98 + 10.08, respectively. The mean daily sleep time was 6.77 + 1.21 hours, the mean TV viewing time was 0.77 + 1.13 hours, and the mean time they spent with a smartphone, tablet or computer was 3.67 + 2.50 hours. Among the students, 37.07% were smokers, 26.12% consumed alcohol, and 4.77% used addictive substances. Of the students, 31.46% considered themselves at risk for depression. At the universities, there is a need for the implementation of health promotion programs focusing on promoting physical activity and healthy nutrition and reducing risky behaviors. In addition, these programs should be strengthened with the trainings on changing behaviors.
Keywords :
dietary habits,
healthy lifestyle,
risky behavior,
university students,
Kajian keratan rentas ini, di mana dapatan tahun pertama kajian susulan prospektif telah dijalankan di kalangan 356 pelajar yang mendaftar pada tahun pertama daripada tiga fakulti di universiti di Istanbul antara 1 November hingga 31 Disember 2019. Dengan kajian ini, ia bertujuan untuk menilai perubahan tertentu dalam tingkah laku gaya hidup sihat, tingkah laku berisiko dan tahap depresi pelajar yang mendaftar di pelbagai fakulti di universiti awam di Istanbul sepanjang tempoh di universiti. Data diperolehi melalui soal-selidik yang mengandungi 65 soalan, dan Inventori Depresi Beck, yang terdiri daripada 21 soalan. Soal-selidik ditadbir di bawah pengawasan dengan memberikan maklumat awal kepada pelajar. Min indeks jisim tubuh, min tekanan darah sistolik dan min tekanan darah diastolik pelajar adalah 23.23 + 4.1, 108.97 + 15.21 dan 66.98 + 10.08. Min masa tidur harian adalah 6.77 + 1.21 jam, min masa menonton TV adalah 0.77 + 1.13 jam, dan min masa yang dihabiskan dengan telefon pintar, tablet atau komputer adalah 3.67 + 2.50 jam. Di kalangan pelajar, 37.07% adalah perokok, 26.12% mengambil alkohol dan 4.77% menggunakan bahan ketagihan. Di kalangan pelajar, 31.46% menganggap diri mereka berisiko untuk mengalami depresi. Di universiti, terdapat keperluan untuk pelaksanaan program promosi kesihatan yang memberi tumpuan kepada menggalakkan aktiviti fizikal dan pemakanan sihat serta mengurangkan tingkah laku berisiko. Selain itu, program-program ini harus diperkasakan dengan latihan ke atas perubahan tingkah laku.
Kata Kunci :
gaya hidup sihat,
pelajar universiti,
tabiat pemakanan,
tingkah laku berisiko,
Correspondance Address
Associate Professor Hatice İkiışık. Istanbul Medeniyet University Faculty of Medicine Public Health Ünalan District, Üsküdar, Istanbul/Turkey, 34700. Tel: +0905324966957 Email: