Antioxidant Properties of Stingless Bee Honey and Its Effect on the Viability of Lymphoblastoid Cell Line

Two Approaches of Simulated Central Vein Cannulation
Vol. 14 No. 1 : 2019 (91-105)

Hazirah H Hazirah H
Yasmin Anum MY Yasmin Anum MY
Norwahidah AK Norwahidah AK

Research on the medical benefit of stingless bee honey (kelulut honey) is rather new although it has been used as traditional food and additive for ages. The primary objective of our study was to evaluate the antioxidant properties of kelulut honey and its effect on lymphoblastoid cell line. We analysed the antioxidant properties of kelulut honey by ferric reducing antioxidant potential assay, total phenolic and flavonoid contents using UV spectrophotometry. The total phenolic content, total flavonoid content and ferric reducing antioxidant potential of Malaysian kelulut honey produced by Trigona spp. were found to be 844.45 mg RE/kg honey, 78.29 mg RE/kg honey and 1132.66 mM FE/kg honey, respectively. Our findings showed a strong correlation between total phenolics and flavanoids contents with its antioxidant potential at R2 = 0.920 and R2 = 0.951, respectively. The effect of honey on cell viability of lymphoblastoid cell line (LCL) was also investigated. The cells were cultured in RPMI-1640 medium supplemented with 0 - 500 μg/mL of kelulut honey for 24 hours. Cell viability was quantitated using 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-5-(3-carboxymethoxyphenyl)-2-(4-sulfophenyl)-2H-tetrazolium, MTS assay showed that honey supplementation boosted the viability of LCL up to 164.64% (p< 0.01). The significant increase in cell viability might be modulated by the antioxidant properties of kelulut honey.  
Keywords : Antioxidant, flavonoid, kelulut honey, lymphoblastoid cell line, phenolic, stingless bee,
Penyelidikan madu lebah (kelulut madu) merupakan bidang baru dalam penyelidikan perubatan. Walaupun ia telah digunakan sebagai makanan tradisional dan tambahan selama berabad-abad, pengetahuan mengenai potensi kesihatannya secara saintifik dan terutama pada sifat antioksidannya masih sedikit. Sifat-sifat antioksidan madu diukur dengan menggunakan asai potensi pengurangan ferio, dan mengukur jumlah kandungan fenol dan flavonoid menggunakan spektrofotometri UV. Kandungan jumlah fenolik, jumlah kandungan flavonoid dan potensi antioksidan penurunan ferum madu kelulut Malaysia yang dihasilkan oleh Trigona spp. didapati 844.45 mg RE/kg madu, 78.29 mg RE/kg madu dan 1132.66 mM FE/kg madu masing-masing. Penemuan kami menunjukkan korelasi yang kuat antara jumlah fenolik dan kandungan flavanoid dengan potensi antioksidannya pada R2 = 0.920 dan R2 = 0.951. Kesan madu pada daya hidup sel selanjar limfoblastoid (LCL) juga diselidiki. Sel-sel dikulturkan dalam medium RPMI-1640 ditambah dengan 0 - 500 μg/mL madu kelulut selama 24 jam. Daya hidup sel yang diukur menggunakan ujian MTS menunjukkan bahawa suplemen madu meningkatkan daya hidup LCL sehingga 164.64% (p<0.01). Peningkatan ketara dalam daya hidup sel mungkin disebabkan oleh sifat antioksidan madu kelulut.  
Kata Kunci : Antioksidan, fenolik, flavonoid, lebah tidak bersengat, madu Kelulut, sel selanjar limfoblastoid,

Correspondance Address
Norwahidah Abdul Karim. Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of Medicine, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Medical Centre, Jalan Yaacob Latif, Bandar Tun Razak, 56000 Cheras, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Tel: +603-91459555 Email: