Addressing Triggering Post Zancolli Lasso Procedure

Vol. 13 No. 2 : 2018 (235-240)

Shalimar A Shalimar A
Nur Azuatul AK Nur Azuatul AK

A claw hand causes disability as kinematics are affected due to hyperextension at the metacarpophalangeal joints. Zancolli lasso procedure is a simple tenodesis procedure which effectively lessens clawing to allow better grip. We present a 56-year-old lady who had a history of trauma with progressive clawing of her left hand. She has been diagnosed with partially recovered incomplete lower trunk brachial plexus injury. She underwent successful Zancolli lasso procedures for all of her fingers but 8 months later, the patient developed triggering of the index and middle fingers. We experimented by releasing the adhesions in one finger and releasing the whole A1 pulley together with the lasso-ed flexor digitorum superficialis (FDS) in the other finger and the latter worked.We repeated the procedure in the index finger and the triggering resolved. Although both her index and middle fingers now have a flexor digitorum profundus (FDP) only (the FDS having retracted proximally), she did not have a recurrence of her clawing. We attributed the triggering due to increasing A1 pulley volume as well as contractures causing post-release functional positions.
Keywords : finger, flexor digitorum, kinematics, metacarpophalangeal joints, tenodesis,
Tangan cakar menyebabkan ketidakupayaan sebagai kinematik lanjutan dan lekukan terjejas akibat hiperekstensi pada sendi metacarpophalangeal. Prosedur lasso Zancolli adalah prosedur tenodesis mudah yang berkesan mengurangkan cakar untuk membolehkan cengkaman yang lebih baik. Kami membentangkan seorang wanita berusia 56 tahun yang mempunyai sejarah trauma dengan cakar progresif tangan kirinya. Dia telah didiagnosis dengan kecederaan plexus brachial plexus yang tidak lengkap. Beliau menjalani prosedur Zancolli lasso yang berjaya untuk semua jarinya tetapi 8 bulan kemudian mengembangkan pemicu indeks dan jari tengah. Kami bereksperimen dengan melepaskan pelekatan dalam satu jari dan melepaskan seluruh kepingan A1 bersama-sama dengan flexor digitorum superficialis (FDS) lasso-ed dalam jari yang lain dan yang terakhir berfungsi. Kami mengulangi prosedur di jari telunjuk dan pengembangan diselesaikan. Walaupun kedua-dua indeks dan jari tengahnya kini mempunyai flexor digitorum profundus (FDP) sahaja (FDS yang telah ditarik balik secara proksimal), dia tidak mempunyai pengulangan cakarnya. Kami mengaitkan pencetus disebabkan oleh peningkatan jumlah kepingan A1 serta kontrak yang menyebabkan kedudukan fungsi selepas pelepasan.
Kata Kunci : digitorum flexor, jari, kinematik, sendi metacarpophalangeal, tenodesis,

Correspondance Address
Mohd Zaim Mohd Rashid. Department of Orthopedics and Traumatology, Faculty of Medicine, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Medical Centre, Jalan Yaacob Latif, Bandar Tun Razak, 56000 Cheras, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Tel: +6012-4763012 Email: mohdzaimrashid@