Age Estimation from Clavicle by Histomorphometry Method: A Review
Age Estimation from Clavicle by Histomorphometry
Histomorphometry method, the quantitative study of histology, is a useful method to estimate age of death in the present and ancient skeletal remains by measurable morphology of osteon. This method, which reduces individual bias and difference in the level of experience for estimation of age, is useful for constructing paleodemographic models and forensic identifications when adult fragmentary skeletal remains are encountered. Most parts of skeletons that are studied by histomorphometry method are femur, tibia, rib, and clavicle. Clavicle bone has been poorly studied except for Caucasian populations. Moreover, clavicle is a very interesting bone because it is a non-weight bearing bone, is usually found as entire bone and has different bone development from other long bones. Thus, the interest of this review article is on the age estimation by histomorphometry method of clavicle. This review article also describes the histomorphometry method, clavicle bone, bone remodeling, and forensic application of clavicle with histomorphometry method.
Keywords :
forensic science,
Kaedah histomorfometri yang merupakan kajian histologi secara kuantitatif adalah kaedah berguna untuk meramal umur semasa kematian pada tinggalan rangka zaman ini atau purba dengan mengukur morfologi osteon. Kaedah ini yang mengurangkan berat sebelah individu dan aras pengalaman untuk meramal umur,berguna untuk membina model ‘paleodemographic’ dan pengecaman forensik apabila fragmen rangka dijumpai. Kebanyakan bahagian rangka yang dikaji melalui kaedah histomorfometri adalah tulang femur, tibia, rusuk dan selangka. Tulang selangka kurang dikaji melainkan dalam populasi Kaukasia. Lagipun, tulang selangka sangat menarik kerana ia tulang tidak menahan beban, kerap dijumpai sebagai tulang lengkap dan mempunyai perkembangan berbeza dari tulang panjang lain. Oleh itu, artikel ulasan ini berminat dengan ramalan umur melalui kaedah histomorfometri tulang selangka. Artikel ulasan ini menerangkan kaedah histomorfometri, tulang selangka, remodeling tulang dan aplikasi forensik ke atas tulang selangka melalui kaedah histomorfometri.
Kata Kunci :
sains forensik,
tulang selangka,
Correspondance Address
Pasuk Mahakkanukrauh. Excellence Center in Osteology Research and Training Center (ORTC), Chiang Mai University, Chiang Mai, 50200, Thailand. Tel: +66-53-949-474 Fax: +66-53-945-304 E-mail: