Prevalence, Clinical Characteristics and Outcome of COVID-19 Infection among Healthcare Workers: A Retrospective Analysis in a Single Northwest Malaysia Specialist Centre
COVID-19 among Healthcare Workers
Healthcare workers (HCWs) are most susceptible to COVID-19 because they are constantly exposed to the source. This study aimed to determine the prevalence, clinical characteristics, and outcome of healthcare workers (HCWs) with positive COVID-19 in a single institution in northwest Malaysia. Data log of HCWs diagnosed with positive COVID-19 with real-time reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) between 1st January 2021 and 31st December 2021 in Hospital Tuanku Fauziah, Perlis, Malaysia was retrospectively analysed. A total of 198 HCWs were included. Majority were female (72.2%), mean age of 39.9 + 6.55 years, Malay (96%), nurses (46%), without co-morbidities (92.4%) and had completed two doses of COVID-19 vaccination (97%). A total of 115 HCWs contracted the infection from the community, whereas 65 HCWs may be infected from the workplace. Most of the staff were symptomatic (84.3%). Fever (49%), sore throat (40.4%), cough (33.8%) and runny nose/nasal congestion (22.2%) are the most prominent symptoms. A total of 82.8% of HCWs were diagnosed with stage 2 COVID-19. The median length of infection to occur was approximately 5 months after two doses of vaccination. Majority were manageable at home during diagnosis (76.2%), with no deaths were recorded. Symptomatic HCWs had significantly longer interval of COVID-19 vaccination-to-infection period (p<0.001). The HCWs diagnosed with stage two COVID-19 had significantly longer interval of COVID-19 vaccination-to-infection as compared to stage one COVID-19 (p=0.012). Periodic evaluation of COVID-19 infection among HCWs is essential for the development of effective mitigation strategies for optimal pandemic control as well as for HCWs protection during the endemic phase.
Keywords :
health personnel,
Petugas kesihatan paling mudah dijangkiti COVID-19 kerana mereka sentiasa terdedah kepada sumber jangkitan. Kajian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan kelaziman, ciri-ciri klinikal dan kesan jangkitan kepada petugas kesihatan yang telah positif COVID-19 di sebuah institusi di Semenanjung Malaysia. Data petugas kesihatan yang telah disahkan positif COVID-19 dengan menggunakan 'real-time reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction' (RT-PCR) antara 1 Januari 2021 sehingga 31 Disember 2021 di Hospital Tuanku Fauziah, Perlis, Malaysia telah dianalisa secara retrospektif. Seramai 198 petugas kesihatan terlibat dalam kajian ini. Majoriti adalah wanita (72.2%), dengan purata umur 39.9 + 6.55 tahun, Melayu (96%), jururawat (46%), tanpa komorbid (92.4%) dan telah menerima dua dos vaksin COVID-19 (97%). Seramai 115 petugas kesihatan mendapat jangkitan daripada komuniti, manakala 65 petugas kesihatan mungkin dijangkiti daripada tempat kerja. Kebanyakan petugas bergejala (84.3%). Gejala demam (49%), sakit tekak (40.4%), batuk (33.8%) dan hingus/hidung tersumbat (22.2%) adalah merupakan gejala yang paling ketara. Sejumlah 82.8% daripada petugas kesihatan telah disahkan dengan jangkitan COVID-19 klinikal kategori dua. Tempoh median jangkitan berlaku adalah kira-kira 5 bulan selepas dua dos vaksinasi. Semasa diagnosis dibuat, majoritinya dibenarkan melakukan pemantauan di rumah (76.2%) dan tiada kematian direkodkan. Petugas yang bergejala mempunyai durasi vaksinasi COVID-19 – jangkitan jauh lebih lama (p<0.001). Petugas yang disahkan dengan COVID-19 klinikal kategori dua mempunyai tempoh vaksinasi COVID-19 – jangkitan yang jauh lebih lama berbanding dengan klinikal kategori satu (p=0.012). Penilaian berkala jangkitan COVID-19 di kalangan petugas kesihatan adalah penting untuk mengatur strategi mitigasi yang berkesan untuk mengawal pandemik secara optimum serta untuk melindungi petugas kesihatan semasa fasa endemik.
Kata Kunci :
petugas kesihatan,
tempat kerja,
Correspondance Address
Dr. Irma Liyana Mushaddik. Clinical Research Center, Hospital Tuanku Fauziah, Jalan Tun Abd Razak, 01000, Kangar, Perlis, Ministry of Health Malaysia. Tel: +604-973 8000 (ext. 8413). Email: