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Case report

Any interesting case study highlighting new facts or diagnostic challenge may be submitted. It should have maximum of 1500 words with a maximum of 15 references. A maximum of TWO figures, TWO tables may be allowed
Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome in an Elderly
Figure 1: Plain CT brain image of the patient
SFC in an Infant
Figure 1: A soft, mobile, non-tender swelling region over the posterior parieto-occipital region, not limited by suture lines. There was no discolouration or bruising of the overlying skin.
Diaphragmatic Hernia
CT in axial view at the level of thorax with evidence of herniated bowel loop into the right thoracic cavity (*) complicated with collapse consolidation of the adjacent lung (arrow)
Local Anesthesia Systemic Toxicity
Patient’s ECG on arrival showed sinus tachycardia
rolonged Bleeding due to Hirudotherapy
(A) Leeches found in Lembah Danum, Sabah (B) Picture shows a leech adhering on a surface with its sucker. Photographs courtesy of Chai and Kaharuddin.
Orbital Aspergillosis or GCA?
Fundus photo of patient during first presentation showing normal optic disc appearance
Ischemic Cardiomyopathy
Bedside echocardiogram showed dilated left ventricle (LV) on a apical 4-chamber view.
Fleet Enema for Severe Tar Burn Injury
Figure 1: Initial presentation of severe tar burn injuries
Cavernous-carotid Fistula with Venous Stasis Retinopathy
Figure 1: Anterior segment photo of left eye during first presentation showing cork-screw vessels
CBDS Post-Phacoemulsification with IOL Implantation