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Factors Correlated with Occupational Stress among University Lecturers

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Pensyarah terbeban dengan tugasan harian mengajar dan di dalam masa yang sama terbeban dengan tekanan untuk terus produktif. Keperluan untuk mencapai sasaran di dalam tugas harian akan menyebabkan pertambahan insidens stres pekerjaan. Tujuan kajian ini ialah untuk menentukan faktor yang berkaitan dengan stress pekerjaan di kalangan para pensyarah di Universitas Negeri di Bandung, Indonesia. Kajian ini dijalankan terhadap 354 pensyarah dalam bulan Mei 2017. Ia dijalankan dengan survey diagnostik menggunakan “Self-Reporting Questionnaire (SRQ), Spiritual Wellness Inventory-R (SWI-R), Social Readjustment Rating Scale (SRRS), Miller Smith life style assessment inventory” dan “Occupational Stress Scale (OSC)”. Sejumlah 330 responden telah didekati dengan kadar respons responden sebanyak 91.80% dicatatkan. Korelasi bivariate telah digunapakai bagi menganalisa perhubungan antara faktor stres eksternal dan internal pekerjaaan. Analisa statistik menggunakan SPSS Statistics 18.0 dengan nilai ditetapkan, p≤0.05. Daripada 330 pensyarah, seramai 153 (46.4%) adalah lelaki dan 177 (53.6%) wanita. Seramai 257 (77.9%) telah berkahwin, 27 (8.2%) adalah bujang dan 46 orang (13,9%) tidak menjawab. Keputusan analisa menunjukkan kewujudan korelasi antara kehidupan, kejadian stress, kesihatan mental dan stress pekerjaan. Faktor spiritual berkaitan dengan stres pekerjaan dan nilai harga diri. Terdapat beberapa faktor lain yang menyumbang kepada stres pekerjaan di kalangan pensyarah.


Lecturers are expected to cope with stress in their workplace in order to continue to be productive. The demand to fulfill targets will increase the incidence of occupational stress. The aim of the study was to determine the factors associated with occupational stress among state university lecturers in Bandung, Indonesia. The study was carried out on 354 state university lecturers in Bandung, who came to the research location during May 2017. It was conducted by means of a diagnostic survey with the use of the Self Reporting Questionnaire (SRQ), Spiritual Wellness Inventory-R (SWI-R), Social Readjustment Rating Scale (SRRS), Miller Smith lifestyle assessment inventory, and Occupational Stress Scale (OSC). A total of 330 respondents became our study subjects with response rate of 92.94%. A correlation bivariate was applied to analyse the correlation of external and internal factors with occupational stress. The statistical analysis was conducted by means of SPSS Statistics 18.0 with p≤0.05. From 330 lecturers, there were 153 (46.4%) males and 177 (53.6%) females. The marital status included 257 (77.9%) married, 27 (8.2%) single, while 46 (13.9%) did not answer. The results proved the existence of a correlation between life, stress event, life style, mental emotional disorders, with occupational stress. The spirituality factors contributed to occupational stress were selfworth, control, and connectedness. Lecturer had to cope with occupational stress. There are some factors, which could influence occupational stress among lecturers.