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Correlation of Metabolic Syndrome with Clinicopathological Characteristics and Treatment Outcome in Bladder Cancer: A Retrospective Observational Study

Original article


Perhubungan antara sindrom metabolik (MetS) dengan ciri-ciri klinikopatologi, tindak balas terhadap kemoterapi dan kelangsungan hidup dalam kalangan pesakit kanser pundi kencing masih kurang dikaji dan sering bercanggah. Kami menganalisis secara retrospektif data 45 pesakit yang didiagnosis dengan kanser pundi kencing bukan invasif otot (NMIBC) atau kanser pundi kencing invasif otot (MIBC) dan telah menerima rawatan kemoterapi di Pusat Perubatan Universiti Malaya (UMMC) antara 2010 dan 2020. Secara keseluruhan, 24 pesakit (53.3%) mempunyai kriteria MetS semasa diagnosis. Tiada hubungan yang signifikan ditemui di antara MetS dan komponen-komponennya dengan tahap patologi dan histologi tumor, dan tindak balas terhadap kemoterapi dalam populasi pesakit kajian ini. Menariknya, terdapat perbezaan yang signifikan dalam kelangsungan hidup keseluruhan antara pesakit diabetes dan pesakit tanpa diabetes (masing-masing 62.47 + 8.32 bulan dan 84.93 + 3.96 bulan, p = 0.045). Walaupun tiada hubungan yang signifikan ditemui antara MetS dengan ciri-ciri klinikopatologi dan hasil rawatan untuk kanser pundi kencing, rawatan secara intensif dan perubahan gaya hidup wajar dipertimbangkan untuk pesakit kanser pundi kencing yang mempunyai sindrom metabolik.


The relationship between metabolic syndrome (MetS) with the clinicopathological characteristics, chemotherapy responsiveness and survival outcome in bladder cancer is under-investigated and often conflicting. We retrospectively analysed data of 45 patients who were diagnosed with non-muscle invasive bladder cancer (NMIBC) or muscle-invasive bladder cancer (MIBC) and received chemotherapy at the University of Malaya Medical Centre (UMMC) between 2010 and 2020. Overall, 24 patients (53.3%) were presented with MetS criteria at the time of diagnosis. Across MetS and its components, no significant association was found with tumour pathological stage, histological grade, and chemotherapy response in our patient population. Interestingly, there was a significant difference in overall survival between patients with and without diabetes (62.47 + 8.32 months and 84.93 + 3.96 months respectively, p=0.045). Although no significant association between MetS with bladder cancer clinicopathological characteristics and treatment outcome was found, intensive care and lifestyle modification should be considered for bladder cancer patients with metabolic disorders.