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Multiple Acute Aortic Dissection in a Young Adult

Case report


Diagnosa pembelahan aorta secara spontan jarang dilaporkan berlaku pada golongan dewasa muda, terutamanya tanpa aterosklerosis atau trauma. Lebih jarang lagi adalah kehadiran serentak pembelahan aorta dan aneurisma aorta dalam ketgori umur dewasa muda. Kami mengetengahkan suatu kes yang melibatkan pembelahan aorta dan aneurisma aorta yang dilihat berlaku pada seorang lelaki berusia 35 tahun. Computed tomographic angiography (CTA) menunjukkan pembelahan aorta jenis Stanford B dan pembelahan aorta daripada bifurkasi arteri iliac kanan sehingga arteri femoral. Aneurisma aorta juga dilihat melibatkan asal arteri subklavian. Prosedur hibrid melibatkan gabungan pembedahan terbuka dan endovaskular telah dijalankan.


The diagnosis of aortic dissection in a young adult in the absence of atherosclerosis or prior history of trauma is extremely rare. The presence of more than one arterial dissection site in such a patient is even more unheard of. We highlight a case of spontaneous multiple acute arterial dissections occurring in a 32-year-old male. Stanford B aortic dissection and a separate dissection extending from the bifurcation of the right common iliac artery to the right common femoral artery was noted on computed tomographic angiography (CTA). A small aneurysm of the right subclavian artery was also noted. A two-stage hybrid procedure involving a combination of open and endovascular surgery was employed. The rarity and lethality of this condition warrants a high index of suspicion for early diagnosis and prompt intervention.